Roberta Parsons 1937 - 2022
Nurse, wife, mom, friend, grandmother. Hero.
The Roberta Parsons Memorial Award is given annually to a public high school student who demonstrates the values of scholarship, empathy, and service in the medical field, to which Roberta dedicated her life.
Donations payable to:
Hall High School, ATTN: Kelly Tofil
975 North Main Street, West Hartford, CT 06117
Please indicate "Roberta Parsons Scholarship" with your payment.
These few words cannot begin to conjure Roberta's dedication to helping others and the immense joy it brought into the world. If you are among the very luckiest of us, you experienced it for yourself. In her long career as a school nurse she touched countless lives with her special brand of resolve, humility, wisdom, and grace. She taught, inspired, learned, laughed. She lived simply and loved those around her with mountainous strength, no matter the circumstances. She was deeply principled, curious, and open-minded. Roberta judged no one and embraced everyone. She knew the incalculable value of true friendship, teaching us all to honor it throughout our lives.